Chinook Music Rentals

Renting Made Easy

Chinook Music offers low monthly lease-to-own plans that fit your family’s needs and budget. Maintenance is included in your monthly payments. Regardless of which kind of instrument you’re renting, you can exchange or return it at any time. If your student chooses to exchange for a different instrument, all payments will transfer to the new instrument. With no long-term commitment, renting from Chinook Music is affordable and hassle-free. Come in the store or catch us at your school’s rental night to rent out one of our many great quality instruments.


New Yamaha: $47.98/mo
Used Yamaha: $39.03/mo


New Yamaha: $49.74/mo
New Selmer: $63.13/mo
Used Yamaha: $40.40/mo
Used Vito or Selmer: $51.00/mo


New Yamaha: $116.17/mo
New Selmer: $152.88/mo
Used Yamaha: $93.74/mo
Used Selmer: $122.94/mo




New Yamaha: $64.62/mo
New Bach: $70.20/mo
Used Yamaha: $52.38/mo
Used Bach: $56.69/mo

Alto Saxophone

New Yamaha: $85.13/mo
New Selmer: $80.32/mo
Used Yamaha: $68.86/mo
Used Selmer: $65.20/mo

Tenor Saxophone

New Yamaha: $106.37/mo
Used Yamaha: $85.94/mo


New Yamaha: $64.62/mo
New Bach: $66.66/mo
Used Yamaha: $52.38/mo
Used Bach: $53.75/mo

Snare Drum or Bell Kit

New CB or Yamaha: $34.15/mo
New Ludwig: $33.94/mo
Used CB or Yamaha: $27.92/mo
Used Ludwig: $27.65/mo

Snare/Bell Combo Kit

New CB or Yamaha: $48.25/mo New Ludwig: $49.23/mo
Used CB or Yamaha: $39.31/mo Used Ludwig: $39.85/mo

French Horn

New Yamaha: $125.64/mo

New Holton: $123.35/mo

Used Yamaha: $101.24/mo

Used Holton: $99.33/mo

1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 4/4 Violins

New Knilling: $41.18/mo

Used Knilling or Glaesel: $33.46/mo

1/2, 3/4, 4/4 Cellos 

New Sebastian: $61.67/mo
New Knilling Bucharest: $100.16/mo
Used Sebastian: $49.98/mo
Used Knilling Bucharest: $80.86/mo

13″, 14″, 15.5″, 16″, 16.5″ Violas

New 13″/14″ Glaesel or Knilling: $43.94/mo New 15.5″ to 16.5″ Knilling: $46.69/mo

Used 13″/14″ Glaesel or Knilling: $35.66/mo Used 15.5″ to 16.5″ Knilling: $37.87/mo